Four things a rider can do to get a low star rating, from their Uber/Lyft driver

All riders know on Uber and Lyft they can rate their driver. However, most riders don’t realize drivers rate the riders too, and unlike riders, drivers have to rate them before we can start our next trip.


1. Slamming The Car Door

This is the number one way to piss of your driver.

2. Not Being Ready When We Get There

Please don’t send out a request until you’re absolutely ready, and if something should come up that is taking you longer. Text or call your driver and let them know, drivers don’t get paid to wait for you.


3. Being Rude

Theirs no reason to be rude all your drive wants to is get you to your destination safe and go on to the next rider, so if you’re having a bad day please don’t take it out on your driver.

4. Vomiting In Your Drivers Car

Well not only could you be charged up to $150, but you will also be given a one-star rating. Most drivers who drive ha

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