What Are Double Batches on Instacart?
It’s two full-service orders from the same store combined into one task. An Instacart shopper will shop for both orders at the same time, then delivers each order separately. Triple, quadruple, and quintuple batches are also possible for shoppers to get.
How Are Shoppers Paid for Multiple Batches?
Shoppers are paid by the number of items, type of items, driving distance, and effort involved in shopping and delivering. Unfortunately for double batches shoppers don’t receive double the payment of the two individual orders. However, shoppers will see the total payout for the double batches on the list of available batches, similar to singles batches. This includes total pay + total in app, heavy order pay will also be included to.
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Double Batches
- Efficiency.
- Potential Higher Pay.
- Complications.
- Bad Ratings.
Batches Orders You Should Accept And Ones You Should Reject
Accept if
- Order payout is high
- You’re very familiar with the store and confident you can get it done quickly.
- You’re organized enough to keep the orders separate.
- You’re not bothered by communicating with two customers at once.
- Customer delivery locations aren’t too far apart.
Reject if
- Order payout is low.
- You don’t know the store, or know that it’s difficult/chaotic.
- The orders have too many items and might not fit easily in your vehicle.
- The customer delivery locations are too far apart.
How to Manage a Double Batches
Carefully separate the orders in your shopping cart:
Place items from one order inside an insulated bag or handled basket, and place items from the other order in the cart. You can also separate them by cart level.
Don’t do the double batches if you think it might lead to a bad rating:
Just a few 4 star ratings can seriously affect your income. Skip double batches if you’re not confident that you can get 5 stars on each one.